Therapy approaches:

CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral-Therapy) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a therapy approach, it is a way of looking at our thinking and understanding what drives us to behave and feel in certain ways. We will look at your experience of an event or situation and examine your thoughts and feelings of that experience of self and others. We will look at the distorted, irrational, misbeliefs, and change it or restructure it to a more adaptive, rational way, and learn what the truth is. Changing our automatic thoughts takes work and practice. We all have automatic thinking styles. The automatic thoughts are conditional assumptions from schemas. Schemas is a structure that integrates meaning into events, it’s our core beliefs of self and others. CBT helps us identify the lies we have been telling ourselves and change the negative cognition/thoughts to more adaptive and helpful way of thinking.  You gain freedom from those thoughts that have held you bondage. We are held back from our full purpose in life if we continue to believe the lies. 

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) EMDR is another therapy approach that I have been trained in. I am amazed with the positive changes I have seen with my clients. A number of neurobiologists and memory researchers point out that major traumas and disturbing life experiences can be stored in the wrong form of memory. Instead of being stored in "explicit" or "narrative" memory where they can be remembered without pain, they are stored in "implicit" or "non-declarative" memory where they hold the emotions (stuck in the body) and are not able to connect (or integrate) with other, more helpful information. The memory/trauma remain isolated from other life experiences in our memory networks. No matter how intelligent or spiritual or experienced or educated we are, the memories can simply be stored in the wrong form of memory.

The memory system is in the brain, and the brain is part of the body. Most of us recognize that if our body is cut it will begin to heal. We are willing to enter into surgery, because we know our body will close and heal the wounds, just as it's supposed to do. For some reason, we think that "mental problems" are different. Traumatic memories are located in the brain, and the brain is part of the body and can heal in the same way. In many ways EMDR therapy is like having your arm set by a doctor. Both conditions are physically experienced in the body, and both need assistance to prepare, align, and stimulate the body's own healing mechanism. EMDR is a bilateral stimulation (through eye movement, tactile and or auditory). EMDR therapy approach works with information processing systems in order to access the troubling experiences. It is not hypnosis; you are fully present during the processing. We will work at changing a negative cognition that you have of yourself to a positive more adaptive cognition. EMDR is integrated with other therapy approaches and this is unique for each individual client.  EMDR taps in at a different level and gives a different experience. EMDR approach is used mainly for those with PTSD and anxiety.


PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that can develop following a traumatic event that threatens your safety or makes you feel helpless. Most people associate PTSD with battle-scarred soldiers and military combat is the most common cause in men, but any overwhelming life experience can trigger PTSD, especially if the event is perceived as unpredictable and uncontrollable. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can affect those who personally experience the catastrophe, those who witness it, and those who pick up the pieces afterwards, including emergency workers and law enforcement officers. It can even occur in the friends or family members of those who went through the actual trauma. Traumatic events that can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) include:

• War
• Rape
• Natural disasters
• A car or plane crash
• Kidnapping
• Violent assault
• Sexual or physical abuse
• Medical procedures (especially in kids)

The traumatic events that lead to post-traumatic stress disorder are usually so overwhelming and frightening that they would upset anyone. When your sense of safety and trust are shattered, it’s normal to feel crazy, disconnected, or numb and most people do. The only difference between people who go on to develop PTSD and those who don’t is how they cope with the trauma.  After a traumatic experience, the mind and the body are in shock. But as you make sense of what happened and process your emotions, you come out of it. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), however, you remain in psychological shock. Your memory of what happened and your feelings about it are disconnected. In order to move on, it’s important to face and feel your memories and emotions.

ED (Eating Disorders) What is an Eating Disorder? An eating disorder is characterized by obsessive thoughts about food and body weight. This includes people who limit the amount of food they eat (anorexia nervosa), eat lots of food in a very small time and then purge (bulimia) or overeat often (compulsive eating).

What causes a Eating Disorder? There is no single cause for eating disorders. It is thought there are a number of factors involved to varying degrees in different people, including genetic inheritances, personal and psychological factors related to adolescence or family issues for example, and social factors such as media representation of body image.
How many get an Eating Disorder? It is estimated that approximately 2 in every 100 people will develop some kind of eating disorder at some time in their lives. Anyone can have an eating disorder, more females than males tend to be affected.

What are the signs of an Eating Disorder? Obsessive thoughts about food and body weight can change eating patterns, dieting, making excuses not to eat, avoiding social situations involving food, going to the bathroom straight after meals, mood, feeling depressed, irritable or anxious, daily activities, of not wanting to go out socially often, exercising excessively, spending a lot of time talking about appearance or weight or looking in the mirror, and appearance, wearing baggy clothes, losing or gaining weight, greasy or dry hair and skin.
How to treating an Eating Disorder? Eating Disorders can be treated successfully. The disorder affects the person physically and psychologically. It is best to be treated with a team of professionals including psychiatrist, physicians, dietitians, psychotherapist, nurses and others.

SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) Seasonal Affective Disorder is a major from of depression that occurs at the same time each year. It is known as “winter depression,’ or SAD and usually begins in the late fall to early winter months and ends in the spring. Studies indicate” Light Therapy” is an effective treatment. It may be an alternative to medication or used in combination of other treatments. I have a SAD light for you to try if it is determined light therapy is clinically safe. People who suffer from SAD can have the common symptoms of depression such as sadness, anxiety, loss of interest in usual activities, isolation and withdrawal from social activities, and an inability to concentrate. Symptoms most common to winter depression include:
• Increased sleep
• Increased appetite
• Weight gain
• Irritability
• Interpersonal difficulties
• A heavy leaden feeling in the arms and legs. 

Biofeedback Therapy is a way to learn how to read your own body. How this works is a mechanism is attached to you, it monitors your condition and reports it to you in real time, like your blood pressure, heart rate, skin temperature, your sweat and your muscle tension. You can see what happens and are able to gain control over such things as your own heart, and also problems with ADHD, and muscle tension. Biofeedback is a way to learn internal states, alertness, relaxation, excitation, drowsiness, intense concentration etc. Learning these states may be useful in gaining assertiveness, communication skills, and setting boundaries, etc. Biofeedback can help with anxiety, depression, drug/alcohol problems, bipolar disorder, childhood disorders, pain, autoimmune disorders, and psychotic disorders.